Friday, April 30, 2010

Reflection on NaPoWriMo

First off, I'd like to thank all of those who have taken time to read and comment on my poems. Receiving feed back from you all helped to make the NaPoWriMo challenge a ton of fun.

My decision to take the NaPoWriMo challenge was a very last minute one: I decided that I was going to participate at 8PM April 1st. I was emotionally and physically at the end of my rope, and in desperate need of a constructive way to let out negative energy and my feelings. I stumbled upon the NaPoWriMo challenge when an acquaintance made a post about it on Facebook. It was a fateful encounter. After doing some quick research and some soul searching, I decided that I had found the outlet I had been searching for, and I decided to take the challenge.

Given that I was stressed before starting the challenge and April is the last month before finals, it was probably not the wisest decision, but I've long sense decided that wisdom is overrated, and the NaPoWriMo challenge is something I wanted to do. So I did it. I successfully completed a poem a day for the entire month, a feat I wasn't sure I'd be able to achieve and that I am now very proud to declare.

The only thing left is to select my top three poems for submission. I know which three I like the best, but I'm always curious to hear other people's opinions. Do you specifically remember any of my poems that you particularly liked? Please leave a comment if you have an opinion one way or another.

Thank you for taking the time to read my poems, and I look forward to reading and writing more poetry with you all in the future!


  1. My favorites of yours are:
    1) Mittens (16)
    2) Back Then (6)
    3) The First Flower (8)
    4) I wonder (28)
