Sunday, April 4, 2010

NaPoWriMo #4 - Inside Out

I thought this was a really hard prompt....

In the twenty-first century

In the twenty-first century
it is no longer sufficient
to wear your heart
on your sleeve.
You must also
wear your large intestine
as a belt,
wear your small intestine
as a scarf,
carry your mind
as a handbag
to hold your worries,
and don your stomach
as a vest.
Your skin is
your suit.
It holds the outfit together.

In the twenty-first century
everything must be understandable
at a glance,
so no one has to take the time
or put down their blackberry
to actually look.


  1. This a wonderful comment on 21st century American society. You hit the nail on the head.

  2. Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

  3. Cleverly done & astute commentary!

  4. It is a depressing reality and I am glad you wrote about it.

  5. It played like a sci-fi movie short to me. Concise and so full of truth!

  6. Thank you, Terri! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
