Sunday, April 18, 2010

NaPoWriMo #18 - meow!

Well, I've kind of already written a cat poem, see Mittens, but I will do my best to write a second.

House cat

Sometimes he's all purrs,
sitting there in the sun
eyes closed, apparently relaxed
his thrashing tail the only sign
of impending mischief.
But it's over in a flash
and then he's a fluffy mass
of pounce, destroy and bite.
Wild, fierce, like his cousins
who must be fierce to survive.
Instinct, I guess.
But then he's tired,
and the only battle left to fight
is over which bed he should sleep on.


  1. enjoy this kitty poem... descriptive and delightful especially so the tie-in to their instinct and wilder nature... that last line was a shoe-in... here kitty kitty

  2. really nice. Don't wiggle your toes under the blankets :)

  3. Haha. Yes, he does have a fascination with toes under blankets (as you well know), but when he's in a particular mood, anything that moves is fair game. :p
