Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NaPoWriMo #21 - Perfectly Flawed


Perfection exists
in the realm of nothingness.
No person has ever seen it,
no object has ever touched it;
There is no proof of perfection.

Does perfection exist?

Notes: This poem was (admittedly) written very quickly. I have a lot of school work to get done tonight, but if I finish early I may revisit the prompt (or write something off prompt) to make up for it.


  1. Good points well expressed! There's no perfect, but we always strive for it anyway, ironically.

    Thanks for your comments on my hero post. Yep, it was a sad one...but I think it's common to long for what others have and we don't. My parents had a "good divorce," but when you're a kid, you still lose something from a broken family.

  2. Thanks, Robin!

    Re-hero post: Yes, it is very common to long for the things that you don't have (especially when it's something you feel like everyone else has and you don't). It doesn't matter how friendly and amicable a divorce is, it doesn't change the fact that (as you said above) the family is split in half by it.

    I'm very lucky to have two parents who are still together. I don't know if I would have been able to handle growing up in a split family, which is part of why your poem spoke so powerfully to me. :)
