Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NaPoWriMo #20 - The Hero Poem

Storybook Hero

I plucked you from a storybook
complete with your plastic sword
and fearless stead -- a pony in truth,
but faithful nonetheless.
I prescribed you many traits:
courage, honesty, strength.
When I was scared,
I painted you with war paint
using my mother's eye-shadow.
When I was happy,
I polished your crown 'til it shone.

Until I closed the book
and looked You in the eyes.


  1. I love the image of a child painting the hero with mommy's eye-shadow as war paint. Wonderful ending as well. Great post.

  2. I like the way you highlight the speaker's participation in the creation of the hero. Even when our heroes start out as real people, we participate in creating the object to which we look up.

  3. Thank you, Katr! Heros are definitely something we create ourselves. No matter how great the person we look up to, it doesn't change the fact that they are still just another person. Sometimes I feel like we build people up in our minds until we can't help but be disappointed by the reality.
