Friday, April 30, 2010

Reflection on NaPoWriMo

First off, I'd like to thank all of those who have taken time to read and comment on my poems. Receiving feed back from you all helped to make the NaPoWriMo challenge a ton of fun.

My decision to take the NaPoWriMo challenge was a very last minute one: I decided that I was going to participate at 8PM April 1st. I was emotionally and physically at the end of my rope, and in desperate need of a constructive way to let out negative energy and my feelings. I stumbled upon the NaPoWriMo challenge when an acquaintance made a post about it on Facebook. It was a fateful encounter. After doing some quick research and some soul searching, I decided that I had found the outlet I had been searching for, and I decided to take the challenge.

Given that I was stressed before starting the challenge and April is the last month before finals, it was probably not the wisest decision, but I've long sense decided that wisdom is overrated, and the NaPoWriMo challenge is something I wanted to do. So I did it. I successfully completed a poem a day for the entire month, a feat I wasn't sure I'd be able to achieve and that I am now very proud to declare.

The only thing left is to select my top three poems for submission. I know which three I like the best, but I'm always curious to hear other people's opinions. Do you specifically remember any of my poems that you particularly liked? Please leave a comment if you have an opinion one way or another.

Thank you for taking the time to read my poems, and I look forward to reading and writing more poetry with you all in the future!

NaPoWriMo #30 - Free Day and Farewell


Every second of every day
is consumed by burning.
It's what people do,
something we all have in common.
We burn with passion,
anger, desire, regret.
Even our tears cannot
extinguish our burning.

We burn brightly
because we are temporary.
We burn everything we have
from the inside out,
then implode,
like a human super nova.
And then the burning is gone
leaving behind a cold husk
that's nothing like what we were
when we were still burning.

Notes: So, I couldn't think of any prompts that I had failed to write to that I wanted to write, so I decided to revisit the elemental prompt and take on a new element. I did water the first time, so I decided to tackle fire this time around.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I knew you were lying

the second I saw her,

watched you together:

clinging, disgusting,

like a pair of mating slugs.

It turned my stomach,

both the sight and

the sudden realization

that absolutely nothing

had changed.

Notes: I wanted to write on prompt, but today's prompt was related to headlines. I'm part of a journalism school, and I'm so sick of all things journalism related that I wanted nothing to do with today's prompt. So, this is my submission to NaPoWriMo #29, which is really just a second intuition poem, sans free write. I liked yesterday's poem, and my free write was intuition based, but the poem just wasn't.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NaPoWriMo #28 - Intuition

I wonder

I wonder what it's like
to watch the world
speed away without you,
to be left alone
while the wind blows away
pieces of what you once were,
to be conscious of your own fading
into the unremembered, into oblivion,
to become faceless, nameless,
some benevolent giver of life.

I wonder what it's like
to have a future written in stone
and a past of vanishing sand.

Free write:

When I remember my “a-ha moment” from my past, I understand the place I am meant to go with my words and poetry today is somewhere. There's no wrong place for poetry to take you, no wrong place for poetry to go. I'll go wherever the wind blows me, whether it be an enchanted forest or a volcano perched on the edge of eruption.

I realized on a day that there was nothing particularly special about that I am going to die. That's right: I'm not immortal and I won't be young forever. Everything around me is temporary. My world is even more temporary than I am. By the time my grandchildren are born (assuming I have grandchildren), everything will be different. None of them will know what a DVD is, and they'll probably never have been to a movie that isn't 3D. I wonder if I'll get lost in the confusion. If I'll slowly slip away into the sands of time until there's no one left who knows that I existed.

It's a sad thing, being left behind. Possibly even sadder than dying. I don't remember even the names of my great-great grandparents, let along further back. It makes me feel guilty. I wonder if I'll be remembered. If someday someone will be proud to have me as an ancestor, or if I'll be a faceless giver of life.

I'm much more likely to be faceless.

Notes: Well, my free write was focused upon my intuition (especially the last line of it), but somehow that didn't quite come across in the poem. Though I did focus on the same subject that my a-ha moment surrounded.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

NaPoWriMo #27 - Let Someone Else Take the Lead

For my dearly beloved,
Everything you could ask for and more
But not the thing you really want,
Really need...
Unnecessary things only
And things you don't want
Right when you don't need them...
You didn't actually expect more, did you?

Notes: February is my birth month. I chose it because it has so many things associated with it, and I didn't feel like writing an acrostic poem that was actually about myself.

I haven't written an acrostic poem since elementary school. They're not one of my favorites, but they're more interesting than I remember them being (and they accomplish the task of easing us into the final stretch quite nicely.... but let's not think about that. It's too sad).

Monday, April 26, 2010

NaPoWriMo #26 - Getting Scrappy

I'm not my brother's keeper

How many times must I let you break me
before I hold you at arms length?
How many times must I
allow you to hurt me?
Am I bad for wanting
you to just go away?

Don't get confused:
I do still love you.
That's an obligation
of being siblings
But it doesn't mean
I want you near.

You used me up.
My patience
is all gone.
There is

Free write

Phrase: Am I my brother's keeper?

Oh, the irony. That it was said by Cain, when the Lord asked about his brother, Abel, whom he had killed. Siblings, anger, and the desire to kill all in one neat little package.

Do we deny association to deny guilt?

I don't. I deny association and refuse to be associated with him because I can't handle it. He tears me apart and destroys me. Every time I let him get close, I inevitably walk away bleeding. Lies do a lot more damage than blows, no matter how hard they might be. I've had enough of cowering in the corner and letting him walk all over me.

I am not my brother's keeper. It's not an easy thing to say. There's a part of me that wishes I was strong enough to grab him by the scruff of the neck and drag him back onto the right path. To make him understand how much his lies hurt. It hurts me to admit I can't do it. I feel guilty for deserting him.

It's not that I've given up. Not quite. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. It's like a shield, that I'm reluctant to let down.

I am not my brother's keeper. It's not my responsibility.

I'm not my brother's keeper. I need to learn to let go.

Notes: Earlier on today, I wrote a highly experimental piece, and I'm not sure how well it came out. I'm currently sitting in a lab waiting for a video to render, so I decided to write another. I really enjoyed the phrase prompt, and had started a second freewrite based on a second phrase. Here is the conclusion of that start.


When Man was created,
He was good.
A protector, a name-giver.
Then entered corruption:
vile, profane,
slithering up,
twining round
our souls.

Then incest-
Lot's daughters-
the destruction of purity,
the birth of monstrosity.

What is humanity now?
Where are we going?
Is there anything left?

The world is ending.

Notes: This is my submission to NaPoWriMo #26; it's off prompt. I wanted to play with combining words and the images together into the same poem. So, this is my depiction of the corruption of humanity through the degradation of language. I hope that it communicates clearly.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

NaPoWriMo #25 - First Things First

I really hate this graphics project

"I really hate this graphics project,"
is what she said to me,
and though it's not in my nature,
I'm inclined to agree.

I don't feel like going,
there's nothing more to say,
but since the meeting's scheduled
I've got no choice today.

There are scant few minutes
til out the door I go
In those minutes I've written,
though it's not my best work, I know.

Notes: Okay, I found out shortly after reading this prompt that I have to be at a meeting for a group project in a couple of minutes. (Meaning I have very little time to write this). Ironically, that means that the first thing I heard after the prompt was "I really hate this graphics project." So, this little poem/rant is an expression of my frustration.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

NaPoWriMo #24 - Find a Phrase

the leopard

i wonder sometimes
how it felt to be trapped
trapped in his own skin
he could never escape
from his mistakes
from his past
from his spots

he had tattooed them on with ink
in a dusty cellar
before he knew better
before he understood
that they would never come off

or maybe someone else
tattooed them on him
while he was sleeping
maybe he didn't even know

it didnt matter
the world didnt care what happened
She didnt care what happened
he had spots
and that was that

he was stuck on a path
he hadnt chosen
and there was no way
to go back

he was a prisoner
in his own skin


Phrase: A leopard cannot change its spots.

This English proverb originated from the Bible, in the chapter of Jeremiah. It talks about how a sinner is no more capable of changing his ways than a leopard is capable of changing his spots. Are we all fated to be stuck? Stuck on some path, that we choose when we're young, before we know better? Is it really true that you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

A leopard cannot change its spots. No matter how hard he tries, he'll always be spotty and dirty and not good enough. I think leopards are beautiful, even if no one else does. Why would they ever WANT to change their spots?

Sometimes I think that beauty is found in the imperfections: the mole on the side of a supermodels face, or your tendency to flush bright red when you're embarrassed. Like watching you turn into a giant, angry tomato.
A leopard cannot change its spots. That's such a sad statement. I remember in Tarzan, when Jane's mother tells Tarzan that he's a spot and Jane is a stripe, and that no matter what Tarzan does, he'll always be a disgraceful spot. Thinking back on it, I guess that this was a reference to this proverb.

So some of us are spots, some of us are stripes and some of us have no pattern at all. I wonder which I am. Probably no pattern what so ever. I'm not chic enough to be a stripe, yet also not outlandish enough to be a spot. I guess I'm kind of boring, really. But that's okay. Like the proverb says, I cannot change what I am. Nor do I want to.

Friday, April 23, 2010

NaPoWriMo #23 - Unlikely Couples

A girl and her dolls

I think I've owned one or two,
I'm not sure because they never
made much of an impression on me.
I never liked girly things,
like playing dress up or putting on makeup,
unless it was forcing my brother to be my model,
but then it was fun for an entirely different reason.

I never played with them,
they sat in a net on my wall
collecting dust.
I used to pretend they were fishes
being hauled out of the ocean,
their cries of "help me, help me"
muffled by the absence of water
to fill their gills.

They were wholly uninteresting,
but sometimes I could transform them
into fishes or crocodiles or enemy soldiers
and battle them with my ruler-sword
(or gun, if I felt like playing in modern times,
for a change).
My playground was the world next door,
and really, who needs dolls there?

Notes: I had no idea what to write for this prompt, so I ended up writing about something I didn't like that I should, rather than the other way around. A twist on the prompt, but still applicable, methinks. X.x

Thursday, April 22, 2010

NaPoWriMo #22 - A Wordle


Things eat at you
when you're left alone.
When there's no one else
to wipe away your tears
and they're left on your face
to fester, to rust.

Looking at me,
you might think I had freckles
across my cheeks
and beneath my eyes,
that I sat too long in the sun
without protection,
allowing my skin to burn
leaving a myriad of colored splotches
in the wake of its peeling.
Would you ever suspect
that I was rusting?
Right before your eyes,
every moment I get closer
and closer
to falling apart.

Notes: Looking at today's wordle, "rust" was the one word that really stuck with me. So I based a poem around it. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NaPoWriMo #21 - Perfectly Flawed


Perfection exists
in the realm of nothingness.
No person has ever seen it,
no object has ever touched it;
There is no proof of perfection.

Does perfection exist?

Notes: This poem was (admittedly) written very quickly. I have a lot of school work to get done tonight, but if I finish early I may revisit the prompt (or write something off prompt) to make up for it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Solar Eclipse

I remember you were a golden sun
with eyes that glistened bright like morning rain.
You were as wild as raging rivers run
once just as sweet and just as free of pain.
I remember I looked to you,
as adventurous sailors seek the stars
forever lost upon the ocean blue
or sitting drunk in weary seaside bars.

Now you have fallen, without any grace,
like a great bird with broken battered wings.
Your terrible, bloody, deceitful, face
now shows the plain and awful truth of things:
if you had really flown so very high,
the fall would certainly have made you die.


Notes: So, I wrote this sonnet a couple months ago. When I saw the today's NaPoWriMo prompt, I dug it up so that I could post it, because it suits the prompt perfectly. That being said, I did write a new hero poem (see below).

NaPoWriMo #20 - The Hero Poem

Storybook Hero

I plucked you from a storybook
complete with your plastic sword
and fearless stead -- a pony in truth,
but faithful nonetheless.
I prescribed you many traits:
courage, honesty, strength.
When I was scared,
I painted you with war paint
using my mother's eye-shadow.
When I was happy,
I polished your crown 'til it shone.

Until I closed the book
and looked You in the eyes.

Monday, April 19, 2010

NaPoWriMo #19 - Light bulb moments


How many years did I live
under the impression that you were perfect?
A saint. No, an angel. Infallible and righteous.
I still think so, sometimes. Most of the time.
Unless I'm reminded otherwise.

It was a flash of unexpected anger
when your eyes, ever calm, teared up.
You didn't cry, but nearly.
It struck me
the moment the gale of your anger
reached my ears.

I don't remember the exact words,
but it sounded like
"I'm only human."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

NaPoWriMo #18 - meow!

Well, I've kind of already written a cat poem, see Mittens, but I will do my best to write a second.

House cat

Sometimes he's all purrs,
sitting there in the sun
eyes closed, apparently relaxed
his thrashing tail the only sign
of impending mischief.
But it's over in a flash
and then he's a fluffy mass
of pounce, destroy and bite.
Wild, fierce, like his cousins
who must be fierce to survive.
Instinct, I guess.
But then he's tired,
and the only battle left to fight
is over which bed he should sleep on.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

NaPoWriMo #17.2 - Something elemental


She had always wished
to be as necessary to him as water,
to be something he couldn't live without.
She knew it was selfish,
that it was impossible,
that it was foolish, even.
But that didn't stop
the stab of envy in her breast
every time she watched him
raise his glass to his lips
and sip, eyes closed in contentment.

NaPoWriMo #17.1 - Something elemental

The Power of Water

She had always been conscious
of the fact that her body was 70 percent water
and proud of it, too.
She had seen often enough
how water could carve its way through rock
with only persistence and time for tools.
It was gentle, yet powerful.
Soothing, yet destructive.
It was such a beautiful contradiction,
one she strove to emulate.

Friday, April 16, 2010

NaPoWriMo #16 - What's that smell?

Okay, for today’s prompt we had to write a 5 minute free write on a smell and then write a poem based upon that free write. I’m going to post the poem first, and then the free-write below it, so that you can read my inspiration.


He was a storm cloud with wide yellow eyes
and a kink for having his tail pulled.
I remember him being beautiful,
but in the eyes of a child all things are.

He was too skinny, but I never realized.
He was sick, but he still took care of me.
He curled around my head like a lion:
Glaring. Watchful. Arrogant, despite his size.

Even then he smelled sick.
Like urine and sickness and death.
I was too young to know,
I’d never smelt it before.

Sometimes I think he really was a lion,
forced into a much smaller body.
That’s why he died,
because his body couldn’t handle it.

Scent: cat urine

I remember how weak he was. He couldn’t always make it to the litter pan. How long was he sick before we realized it? How long did he take care of me while I was sick before I realized it?

I remember his fur smelled like urine. I didn’t clean the litter pan, so I didn’t know it at the time, but years later, when I got a cat of my own, I finally realized what it was.

I remember he lay on my pillow, next to my head, watching over me, glaring at anyone who dared to come near me. Protecting me. His eyes were like an owl’s, and even then he was too skinny for it to be healthy. I can’t believe I never realized it, how sick he was, I mean. And he still had the time and the patience to take care of me. Animals are amazing.

I remember my pillow smelled like his fur for months after he died. Cat urine is a hard thing to get out. I remember holding him in my arms when he was a ball of fluff. He was so cute, like a storm cloud with big yellow eyes. I remember how he actually liked having his tail pulled. What a strange cat.

I remember how weak he was. I remember being unable to turn my back when he was put to sleep, even though I didn’t want to watch. It was raining. The mums were in bloom. We brought home three red mums to plant on his grave. Mums don’t usually survive the winter, but those did, and I was glad.

I remember my mom wrapped him in a towel. We didn’t unwrap him before we buried him. I think we didn’t want to see the body. So we buried him, towel and all. He has a headstone, too, but since there are so many rocks in the area, it’s hard to find unless you know where to look.

I remember going to visit him, a couple of times. I need to go more often. I don’t live there all the time any more, but he was precious, so I should visit him. I wish I could visit him. I’ll never forget him.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

NaPoWriMo #15 - Carrying a tune

Ok... I think I should be upfront about this: I can't carry a tune to save my life. In other words, this cannot go well.

Their skin fit beautifully

It impacted her strikingly,
how their skin fit wonderfully.
She stared fretfully
thinking hers fit awfully.

Her eyes simply couldn't see
that her skin fit-- it was meant to be.
She'd fill out like a sapling tree
if only she would let it be.

NaPoWriMo #14.2 - You want me to write a what?

Ok. As promised, here is my second attempt at yesterday's prompt.

Edit: After reading through some of the other cleaves posted (which I couldn't see before because I posted this from my phone), I realized that I was doing this entirely wrong. I apologize for my failed cleaves, and I will try to do better in the future. T.T

Her mind

She was in a desert
where there was nothing.
No cacti, no oasis, no end,
not even a scorpion to sting at her feet.
There was sand,
but after hours of walking,
hours of it scalding her souls
that too was reduced to nothing.
Baren. Parched. Even her frustrated tears
did nothing to quench it.
It was raining watermelons,
baby kangaroos and munchkins,
and small creatures--never before seen
from the bottom of the sea
with headlights on their eyelashes.
Too much, too fast!
Her mind overflowed
in a flood of multicolored paint
scrawling with reckless abandon a rough imitation of her flood.

Her mind was by nature a cyclic beast.
There was no mean that it strove to attain
nor any certain predictability.
She found there was no use pondering it.
Instead, she opted to simply let her mind
borrow her hands when it had something in it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

NaPoWriMo #14.1 - You want me to write a what?

Okay, this is my first attempt. I will probably come back and attempt to write another later today, but I'm not sure I'm going to have time, so I'll post this for now.

Their skin

Her skin was too tight.
It constrained her,
squeezing so hard it burned.
Pointing her into the future
like a straight jacket.
His skin was too loose.
He swam through it
lost and confused
trying to find his heart
in the endless void.

Their skin fit beautifully.
He leant her some of his spare skin,
and, unwittingly, his heart.
He freed her from her straight jacket.
She found his heart and filled the abyss.
Together, their skin was beautiful.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NaPoWriMo #13 - Smoke a Dubie


A kiss is like a dress falling off a tall building.
Sometimes it flutters, slowly, softly, to the ground
delicate, intricate white lace pooling at his feet.
Other times a bead sewed to your breast drags it down
bringing it crashing to the floor, and in the confusion,
you're not quite sure what has happened, or why,
or even who you are any more.

One time, it slipped off your shoulders like it was velvet,
leaving tingles and rays of introverted sun in its wake,
and you weren't even sure when the dress hit the ground
because your sun was shining too brightly
for you to see anything else.

Monday, April 12, 2010

NaPoWriMo #12 - Secret Code


I sit in my mushroom throne
surrounded by daylily courtesans.
They'll only last a day
and then I'll be tired of them
and their constant simpering.

But they can't really help themselves.
Flowers are the sex of plants, after all.
Soft petals, wet with nectar,
chasing after bees,
who are already pledged to another.
How lewd! How common!
It's no wonder I can only
tolerate them for a day
before wishing them gone!
But so long as it is summer,
there will always be more daylilies.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

NaPoWriMo #11 - The Thing You Didn't Choose

A Poem to You

It's been a while, hasn't it?
Since I walked away.
It's not a choice that I regret,
but it's made me different today.

You could have been my lover,
but it wasn't in the cards.
You were far too immature,
so the choice wasn't even hard.

I've never liked to compromise,
so when you asked me to choose
it was easier to walk away
than to walk a mile in your shoes.

As a result I'm alone,
without you by my side.
Free to do as I like,
but part of me has died.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

NaPoWriMo #10 - Celebrate!

The last two prompts have been really hard for me, and I haven't been in an especially poetic mood, so I hope this came out okay.


I'm an adult now
in the eyes of everyone.
The government finally
acknowledges my independence.
There is nothing I can't do,
no rights left to gain,
no barriers left to cross.

It seems kind of sad.
Something so cherished,
so anticipated,
passed almost uneventfully.
No fireworks,
no dancing in the streets,
just a quiet admission of age
on a day not so unlike
every other day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

NaPoWriMo #9 - Your Mission

For today's prompt, we had to write a poem that contained 12 words from a list, a bitter taste and a couple words from a poem that hadn't quite worked.

My twelve words were: flap, pail, jug, lever, octopus, marionette, rug, jam, limp, startle, bruise, walker. The poem that I took a chunk from was my response to Prompt #2, acronym.

On a side note, this is the longest poem I've written so far, and also the first one to rhyme.

How to Catch an Octopus

You'll need a pail of sardines
and some tuna jam
and a jug of sea greens
for if an emergency comes to hand.

Promise him a walker,
for every octopus longs to walk.
Slowly pull the lever,
tell him you want to talk.

Make sure he doesn't see the closing of the net.
Then raise him with a length of cord
til he dangles like a marionette
and let him struggle til you're bored.

Watch him in silence
as he flaps in the breeze.
But keep your distance,
for he has yet the strength to squeeze.

Don't startle the beast
or he'll ink
spewing black where you want it least
til it hurts to blink.

Don't be startled by his desperation
or his willingness to bruise.
There's no cause for admiration
of a creature who can't even wear shoes.

He'll never walk or even limp
or learn to cut a rug.
It's a wonder he's not extinct
when he's less capable than a bug.

Sell him to the market man
for a pocket full of change.
Then walk away, while you still can.
Don't look back til you're out of range.

Don't worry, the bitter taste is normal.
It's just the ink, nothing more.
You've done nothing abysmal.
You're no different than you were before.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

NaPoWriMo #8 - Unusual Love Connections

The five metaphors I ended up coming up with were indian summer, day lily, crocus, first frost and ice cream. I ended up writing about a crocus.

The First Flower

A crocus
pushed its way through the ice
accumulated over months of bitter cold.

He appeared overnight,
a spot of vibrance in the endless white.
Maybe he always existed
under the snow,
and I failed to notice him
before he bloomed.

He was the first flower.
Unexpected. Beautiful.
Short lived.

By the time the insects began to chirp
he was gone.
Leaving behind only a clump of crinkled brown
to prove that he had existed.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NaPoWriMo #7 - Love, Funny Side Up

Our assignment for day 7 was to write a funny love tanka... for details on what this form entails, visit the Read Write Poem Website.

the night they met

a lewd comment overheard followed by a slap
a beer pitcher poured over his head in anger
another he stood by watching
impressed by her fire
their relationship began when he apologized

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NaPoWriMo #6 - Converse with Images

Today's prompt was to write a poem based off of an image and the memories associated with it...

Back then

I still remember
standing with you in front of the camera
with our chubby cheeks and jack-o-lantern smiles
giving each other bunny ears like it was an Olympic sport.
Me, in my garish fuschia leggings
that only a child could wear and not be embarrassed.
You, in a hand-me-down shirt from our older neighbor.

I still remember
what it felt like when the world was small.
Back then, my favorite animal was the t-rex,
and you played the trombone.
Back then, we collected Pokémon cards,
even though we didn't know what to do with them.

Back then, I still understood you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

NaPoWriMo #5 - Make Your Poetry Personal

So today's prompt was to personify our poetry and give it a name.... It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be after I came up with a name.


You are Ash,
short for Ashley,
the name I was almost given.
A part of me,
and yet completely separate.

You are Ash,
like what remains
after hurt and anger
burn through my body
and are extinguished by tears.

You are Ash,
the black chalky substance
I smear into words on the page:
imperfect, smudged,
yet beautiful in your honesty.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

NaPoWriMo #4 - Inside Out

I thought this was a really hard prompt....

In the twenty-first century

In the twenty-first century
it is no longer sufficient
to wear your heart
on your sleeve.
You must also
wear your large intestine
as a belt,
wear your small intestine
as a scarf,
carry your mind
as a handbag
to hold your worries,
and don your stomach
as a vest.
Your skin is
your suit.
It holds the outfit together.

In the twenty-first century
everything must be understandable
at a glance,
so no one has to take the time
or put down their blackberry
to actually look.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

NaPoWriMo #3 - Scared Yet?

The prompt for the 3rd poem was to write about something that scared or unnerved us.


I'm caught in a riptide:
I cannot swim against it.
It cannot be fought.
It drags me
further from child-like certainty,
further from the shore,
going ever faster,
blurring into the future.
I can only tumble,
into the unknown.

Friday, April 2, 2010

NaPoWriMo #2 - Acronym

Hmmm... I'm not sure I'm happy with this one...

Rare Witch Project

Crocodile's eyeball, testicle of a leprechaun,
fungus from between a giant's toes...

Mix in your Grandmother's pot
dusty from 50 years of neglect.

...frog urine, bat's blood,
the stomach contents of a trout...

Raise the temperature,
but don't let it boil.

...vulture's feather, a human tooth,
the big toe of a dwarf...

Stir clockwise thrice,
then reverse.

...a four-leaf clover, unicorn tears,
a rodent carcass from the side of the road...

Let it simmer, then cool.
It's almost done.

...three drops of scum,
from a fish tank uncleaned for a year.

Perfect, now take a sip.
Don't worry, gagging is normal.
A draught to bring happiness
is bitter by necessity.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

NaPoWriMo #1 - Shuffle a Poem

My songs:
I'm still here - Johnny Rzeznik
Tinkerbell - James Newton Howard
These Walls - Trapt
Lullaby - Orange Appeal
Butterfly - Corinne Bailey Rae

The last night

How long
have I sat behind these walls
in the castle you built me?

These walls
made of all the finest marble
and held together
with a mortar of lies.

How come I'm still here?
Do I imagine
that a brush of Tinkerbell's wings
or a lullaby
will be enough to set this right?

I'm foolish enough.
We both know that.

But even I acknowledge
that we'll never fly again:
we're a one-winged butterfly
and I'm the only one trying.